
Saturday, March 30, 2013

One Week Unit Plan (Interactive Geometry Lesson)

Noha Bushra
EDSS 511

UNIT TOPIC:  Motion Geometry/ Geometric Transformations

1. UNIT CONTEXT       

Subject/Content Area Geometric Reflections

Course Geometry A

Grade Level      9th-11th  

Length of Unit: This unit will be covered in 4 days (1 week), four 55 minute periods.  



Whole Class Information

·         Number of students in class    24 students in the class

·         Demographic Information: 13 males and 11 females. 17 students are Hispanic, 5 Caucasian, 1 Native American, and 1 African American student. 18 of my students receive free or reduced lunches. 5 of my students are Early Advanced ELLs, 1 student Early Intermediate, and 12 of my students are RFEP. Spanish is the primary first language. 1 of my RFEP students has an IEP; he is diagnosed with ADHD and struggles to stay on task.

·         Developmental Needs:
Readiness Almost 100% of my students read and write below grade level.
Interests Students in the class enjoy social interactions, music, and art.
Learning Profiles (learning styles/dispositions) Students in the class are a mix of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners. Information has to be written on the board or presented using the projector for visual learners while read aloud for auditory learners. Students are provided with various opportunities to explore concepts and have hands on learning experiences to encourage those who learn by doing.
Affective-Management Strategies & Classroom Learning Environment Most of the students enjoy classroom discussions and actively participate, while some students prefer to work independently. Collaboration is essential in daily lessons; guiding and provoking questions are necessary to generate discussions on topic. Students enjoy music and are allowed to listen to their iPods while working on independent tasks.


Individual Student Information and Differentiation Strategies

1.     Elena:
Elena is a 15 year-old 10th grader and an English learner.  She has been in the United States for one and a half years.  She is literate in Spanish and often reads Spanish literature.  Her report cards from her school in Mexico indicate above average grades.  Elena is somewhat shy socially but is well liked and works well in small groups.  She is seldom absent from school. The CELDT results indicate overall score in the Early Intermediate range, and she has been identified as an English learner. 
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Elena is a level 2 ELL. She needs to work on her reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Interest: Elena is very proud of her cultural traditions especially dancing.
Learning Profile: Elena prefers to work in small groups. She is a kinesthetic learner who enjoys learning by doing.
Differentiation Strategies
Process/Readiness: Teacher will choose a bilingual (English/Spanish) supportive student as Elena’s partner to assist her with any translations or clarifications as needed. Elena will be working with small groups and will be monitored frequently by teacher.
Content/Readiness: Teacher will provide a graphic organizer to the class with common vocabulary words.
Product/Learning Profile: Elena will be able participating in various hands on activities such as poster makings.

Differentiation strategies will be assessed through informal assessments such as monitoring student’s participation in small groups, and checking student’s work during class to provide extra support. In addition, formative summative assessments will be used such as turned in worksheets, quick quizzes, and tests. Additional instruction will be provided to assist Elena throughout the unit.

2.     Maggie:
Maggie is a 16 year-old 11th grader and an English learner.  She has been in the United States for 3 years.  She speaks Spanish fluently however is not proficient in reading and writing. Maggie is shy socially but works well with a partner.  She is seldom absent from school. The CELDT results indicate overall score in the Early Intermediate range, and she has been identified as an English learner. 
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Maggie is a level 2 ELL. She needs to work on her reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Interest: Maggie enjoys drawing and appreciates art.
Learning Profile: Maggie is a kinesthetic learner who enjoys learning by doing.
Differentiation Strategies
Process/Readiness: Teacher will pair Maggie with a bilingual (English/Spanish) supportive student to assist her with any translations or clarifications as needed.
Content/Readiness: Teacher will provide a graphic organizer to the class with common vocabulary words.
Product/Learning Profile: Maggie will be able participating in various hands on activities such as poster makings.

Differentiation strategies will be assessed through informal assessments such as monitoring student’s participation in small groups, and checking student’s work during class to provide extra support. In addition, formative summative assessments will be used such as turned in worksheets, quick quizzes, and tests. Additional instruction will be provided to assist Maggie throughout the unit.

3.     Alex:
Alex is a 15-year-old boy in the 10th grade.  He had difficulty with the development of his early literacy skills, including the acquisition of sound/symbol relationships and word identification, demonstrated in both his reading and writing.  In the second grade, Alex was identified as a student with specific learning disabilities. He is able to independently read text at a 7th grade level and continues to struggle with decoding words. He is a self-isolating person who does not readily join into whole-class conversations or contribute to group learning situations.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Alex needs to improve his oral communication skills and continue working on his reading and writing skills.
Interest: Alex is a self-isolating person who does not readily join into whole-class conversations or contribute to group learning situations.
Learning Profile: Alex is a shy student who prefers to work independently.
Differentiation Strategies
Process/Readiness: Assigning students to small groups instead of having whole class discussions will be better for Alex. Assigning a specific part to each student during class while giving Alex a small part a day before so he can read it at home and practice what to say will encourage him to contribute to his group.
Content/Readiness: Graphic organizers will be provided to increase reading comprehension and clarify content vocabulary.
Product/Learning Profile: Students draw visual representations to demonstrate comprehension.

I will assess student’s progress informally through monitoring his discussions with his group. Through monitoring Alex’s contributions to his group I will be able to determine if my adaptations helped him overcome his social struggles. As a formal assessment I will assess Alex’s turned in assignments to see what he understood and was able to demonstrate. I will also assess Alex’s progress by checking if he made corrections after debriefing and summarizing.

4.     David:
David is a 17-year-old 12th grader.  He had difficulty with the development of his early literacy skills demonstrated in his reading and writing.  During his elementary school years, David was identified as an ELL and was diagnosed with ADHD. Currently David is identified as a Re-designated English Language Proficient. David is very smart and demonstrates proficiency with content when asked questions about the topic. Yet, He struggles to stay on task and gets distracted very easily. David enjoys drawing, listening to music, and socializing with his friends. He is a visual learner who also prefers to learn by doing.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: David needs to improve his reading and writing skills.
Interest: David needs to learn to complete his assignments and socialize on topic.
Learning profile: David is a visual and kinesthetic learner.
Differentiation Strategies
Process/Readiness: Chunking is a strategy that is used to support David. To help David stay on task, he is assigned small tasks and is asked to finish each part then move on to the next.
Product/Learning Profile: Students draw visual representations and writes a short paragraph to demonstrate comprehension.

I will assess student’s progress informally through monitoring his discussions with his group while reminding him to stay on topic. As a formal assessment I will assess David’s turned in assignments to see what he understood and was able to demonstrate. I will also assess his progress by checking if he made corrections after debriefing and summarizing. His written paragraphs will display his progress with writing.

5- Josue
Josue is a 17 year-old 11th grader and an English learner.  He has been in the United States for about 7 years.  He is literate in Spanish and speaks it fluently. He needs to work on his speaking, reading, writing skills in English. Josue is extremely shy socially; he refuses to work with others and prefers to work independently. The CELDT results indicate overall score in the Early Advanced range. He enjoys art and likes to draw.
Developmental Needs
Readiness: Josue is a level 4 ELL. He needs to work on her reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Interest: Josue enjoys drawing and likes to show his art work.
Learning Profile: Josue is a kinesthetic learner who enjoys learning by doing.
Differentiation Strategies
Process/Readiness: Teacher will place Josue with a partner, since Josue doesn’t like to work in groups, teacher will have him work with one partner so he is not intimidated.
Content/Readiness: Teacher will provide a graphic organizer to the class with common vocabulary words.
Product/Learning Profile: Josue will be able to show his artistic talents through working on posters. Teacher will allow Josue to choose various symbols or pictures and apply reflections to them, this will motivate Josue to demonstrate his understanding.

Differentiation strategies will be assessed through informal assessments such as monitoring student’s participation in discussions with his partner, and checking student’s work during class to provide extra support. In addition, formative summative assessments will be used such as turned in worksheets, quick quizzes, and tests. Additional instruction will be provided to assist Josue throughout the unit.

2. Unit Rationale: Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions

 Enduring Understanding
Students will use their logical approach to develop a deep understanding of the topic. They will link geometry to their surroundings; they will be able to make connections with real life applications. The ability to understand the basics of geometry will help students build on this knowledge and progress faster in the course. Students will use deductive reasoning to approach problems and reach conclusions. Students will develop a deep understanding of reflections. They will be able to use multiple reflections to learn about motion geometry. They will be able to link their knowledge to real life applications.
Essential Questions
How can we use motion geometry in real life applications?
How can we use various transformations on geometric figures?
What is the effect of transformations on figures?
Does changing the order of transformations on a figure changes its congruence to the original shape?

Reason for the Instructional Strategies & Student Activities
Exploring a mathematical concept allows students to retain the discovered information. Students are encouraged to discuss the topic and contribute to come up with solutions. Team work and collaboration allows students to explain mathematical concepts and demonstrate their level of understanding.


Content Standards

New Common Core Geometry Standard:
G-CO 5
Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another. (Cognitive)
G-CO 6
Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent. (Cognitive)

ELD Standards

Advanced ELD level
Negotiate and Initiate Social Conversations by questioning, restating, soliciting information, and paraphrasing the communication for others.
Intermediate ELD Level
Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and soliciting information.
(Cognitive/ Affective/ Language)


·         Cognitive After listening to the questions posed by the teacher, students will be able to explore the mathematical concepts while using deductive reasoning.
 Language Development
After understanding the definitions through discussions and teacher clarifications, they will be able to use the terms in mathematical discussions.
After watching demonstrations of the concept, they will be able to draw an accurate reflection of the shape across the given line.


Diagnostic/ Entry Level (Informal)
At the beginning of class, students will be asked questions as a review to assess previous knowledge.
Formative/ Progress Monitoring (Informal)
Teacher will monitor students’ discussions and attempts to answer prompts.
Summative (Formal)
Students will turn in their work at the end of class for grading. Teacher will assess students’ understanding and grade students’ work. Students are allowed to make corrections and turn in their revised assignments for better grades.
A quick quiz will be given during the last 30 minutes at the end of the week to check overall students’ understanding and ability to retain information.

6. STEPS OF INSTRUCTION (based on the day)
A. Anticipatory Set/Into (5 min)
I will instruct students to take their folders out of the assigned drawer and sit down while distributing worksheets. I will remind students about the class blog policy for extra credit points.
I will review the previous topic
B. Instruction/Through (5 min)
I will review with students the previous lesson.
C. Guided Practice/Through (25 min)
I will ask students questions and allow collaboration. Students will explore the topic and attempt to answer prompts.
Then I will display students’ work using projector and compare conclusions.
D. Independent Practice/Through (10 min)
I will give students the opportunity to write a paragraph to explain relationships that they found as well as make corrections to their work.
E. Closure (5 min)
I will summarize and debrief with students.
F. Beyond (5 min)
I will ask questions or show a short clip that introduces the next lesson.


Designing a unit plan highlights the importance of “getting to know your students”. It is essential for a teacher to know students’ backgrounds, readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles. This information affects planning and instruction significantly. Furthermore, planning a unit made me realize how important it is to use various types of assessments for accurate evaluation of all students’ understanding even students with learning disabilities or language barriers.
Differentiation strategies that I used to support my students I believe will assist and encourage them to reach their full potential. For high achievers I always provide them with a leading role in the classroom, I ask them to help students in their groups and explain to them what they did. Using various forms of assessments is strength in my unit plan; I use different measurements to assess students’ knowledge, understanding, and participation. Implementing all of these strategies in my unit helped me realize how important it is for a teacher to think of different aspects continuously, I will plan my next unit and I will take into consideration all of this information when designing it for effective teaching.

Unit Calendar: (Reflections)

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Content Standards
New Common Core Geometry Standard:
G-CO 5
Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
New Common Core Geometry Standard:
G-CO 5
Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.
New Common Core Geometry Standard:
G-CO 5
Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, e.g., graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.

New Common Core Geometry Standard:
G-CO 6
Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.
Learning Objectives
Cognitive After listening to the questions posed by the teacher, students will be able to explore reflections.

Cognitive After listening to the questions posed by the teacher, students will be able to explore the mathematical concepts as groups while using deductive reasoning.
Language Development
After understanding the definitions through discussions and teacher clarifications, students will be able to   identify lines of symmetry in their drawings.

Cognitive and psychomotor After watching the teacher’s demonstration of diagonal reflections, students will construct various shapes and reflect them. Students will explore the effect of applying reflections on their shapes.
Cognitive and psychomotor After discussing congruence based on reflections in class and listening to teacher’s explanation, students will be able to draw congruent images of various shapes.
Student Activity
Students will draw reflections based on their understanding of the word; they will collaborate and compare their drawings.

Students will collaborate and write terms and definitions on the graphic organizer

Students will work in pairs to construct accurate reflections using different angle measures and side lengths.

Students will work in pairs to construct accurate reflections using different angle measures and side lengths while showing congruence sides an angles.

Diagnostic students will be asked questions about the topic to assess their level of understanding and their previous knowledge.
Formative/ Progress Monitoring
Teacher will monitor students’ discussions and encourage all students to participate and share their ideas.
Students will turn in completed worksheet.
Formative/ Progress Monitoring
Teacher will monitor students’ discussions and encourage all students to participate and share their ideas.
Students will write the definitions on the graphic organizer, illustrate their understanding with drawings, and turn it in at the end of class.
Students will turn in completed worksheet.

Formative/ Progress Monitoring
Teacher will monitor students’ discussions and constructions.
Students will turn in completed worksheet.
Formative/ Progress Monitoring
Teacher will monitor students’ discussions and constructions.
Students will complete a quick quiz on reflections.

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