Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Effective Instruction (BLOG 5 for 521)
This semester, I have been surprised by the literacy levels of my students. They are able to read simple text, use basic vocabulary words to define terms, and communicate using simple English. However, they are not able to communicate in academic English, dissect text and make sense of word problems, and spell terms correctly.
September 30, 2013
To support students' learning I will create a literacy rich classroom that helps them succeed. I will use a variety of effective instructional strategies such as integrating easy text in daily lessons, provide graphic organizers with vocabulary terms and definitions, incorporate more visuals to clarify terms and concepts, model my thinking by reading aloud to understand different words, and build on what students already know (break the term into meaningful parts that students know). My literacy rich classroom will involve a lot of hands on learning activities and projects, group work, class discussions, and less lecturing. By doing that I will provide opportunities for students to develop communication skills, and will ensure that students are engaged in their learning "Whoever does the most work, does the learning".
December 15, 2013
By that time, my literacy rich classroom will reflect students' achievements; students will engage comfortably in academic conversations while using content vocabulary, they will be used to reading text and will be able to summarize and reflect on their readings orally and in writing, and they will be able to demonstrate their understanding in group projects and in-class activities.
May 30, 2014
At that point my students will become the experts; they will be the source of information when it comes to literacy, they will be able to research terms and definitions using technological resources available, and they will be able to demonstrate independent learning by choosing various ways to show their understanding. In addition, they will be capable of independent learning in concept exploration; they will do that by reading different texts and discussing it with each other, summarizing and reflecting on readings in class, and building on each others' perspectives. Furthermore, they will be the guide to new students who need extra support. This classroom environment supports students' success, motivates them to thrive, and engages them in myriad ways!
September 30, 2013
To support students' learning I will create a literacy rich classroom that helps them succeed. I will use a variety of effective instructional strategies such as integrating easy text in daily lessons, provide graphic organizers with vocabulary terms and definitions, incorporate more visuals to clarify terms and concepts, model my thinking by reading aloud to understand different words, and build on what students already know (break the term into meaningful parts that students know). My literacy rich classroom will involve a lot of hands on learning activities and projects, group work, class discussions, and less lecturing. By doing that I will provide opportunities for students to develop communication skills, and will ensure that students are engaged in their learning "Whoever does the most work, does the learning".
December 15, 2013
By that time, my literacy rich classroom will reflect students' achievements; students will engage comfortably in academic conversations while using content vocabulary, they will be used to reading text and will be able to summarize and reflect on their readings orally and in writing, and they will be able to demonstrate their understanding in group projects and in-class activities.
May 30, 2014
At that point my students will become the experts; they will be the source of information when it comes to literacy, they will be able to research terms and definitions using technological resources available, and they will be able to demonstrate independent learning by choosing various ways to show their understanding. In addition, they will be capable of independent learning in concept exploration; they will do that by reading different texts and discussing it with each other, summarizing and reflecting on readings in class, and building on each others' perspectives. Furthermore, they will be the guide to new students who need extra support. This classroom environment supports students' success, motivates them to thrive, and engages them in myriad ways!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Project Tomorrow
Speak Up Report:
Incorporating social media and making use of students’
smartphones in classroom instruction benefits students and educators. The
increasing support given by parents, schools, and districts to include mobile
learning in classrooms is changing teacher practice as it is presents a
critical challenge. Sharing the vision on how to personalize learning through
mobile device use and social media is crucial for the future of education.
During my experience in clinical practice this semester I
have come to know that students are incorporating social media and mobile
device use in their learning already. Most of the students own a smartphone
that they use to look up information to enhance their learning experience. It
wasn’t surprising to me to read that students support technology use in
education, based on my teaching experience this semester I find it essential
for teachers to support this move as well to personalize learning for students.
It did surprise me however to read that “87 percent of
parents say that the effective implementation of technology within instruction
is important to their child’s success (50 percent label it as extremely
important)”, I was surprised because during
parent conferences and meetings I saw many parents talking to their child about
turning off his/her cellphone during class and discouraging them from the use
of any type of mobile devices. I believe that cellphone use has to be incorporated
with caution so it doesn’t turn to a distraction and take away from students’
learning. In my opinion, principal’s perspectives on cellphone policies as
presented in the report are valid; network security, internet safety, and
digital equity concerns are aspects that have to be considered. In my
classroom, I encourage technology use through school devices while students
‘personal device use is kept to a minimal. Since some of my students don’t own
a cellphone, I see that incorporating the use of students’ personal devices in
learning during class as un-equitable. Also I fear that students will get
distracted and search off-topic information. My hope is that schools will have
the funds to provide more mobile devices to support the incorporation of social
media in students’ learning; in that case students will be provided a safe and
equal opportunity for success.
Speak Up Video:
In this video, 3 students are asked to present their opinion
on the use of technology in the classroom. Students supported cell-phone use
and shared the advantages of immediate “internet look up” during instruction;
they emphasized that being able to learn in depth outside of book covers
provides a greater opportunity for learning. They also said that looking
information up when they are interested in it is way more effective than
waiting until they get home, as they may forget or lose interest in the topic.
The third student surprisingly disagreed on cellphone use; she stressed on the
fact that students do get distracted while using their cellphones during class,
and it would be much better if classroom had computers where students can use
school provided devices to fulfill these needs.
It was very surprising to see how that last student
discouraged cellphone use in the classroom, I believe her point is very valid;
most students do get distracted when using their cellphones during class. The
use of school devices is much more effective since schools provide a safe
internet search where inappropriate websites are blocked, also the teacher can
monitor students’ computers/iPads from her master device. Listening to students
gave more confidence to trust their judgment and to include them in classroom
decisions. Self-directed learning is the future of education; teachers have to
support students’ interests and link them to the learning experience.
This program encourages students to explore the teaching
career, it motivates students to explore math and science at an early age, and
provides students with an opportunity to teach math and science lessons at an
elementary school. As a result, students gain public speaking and presentation
skills, develop relationships with mentors and educators, and learn about the
teaching career before going to college or university. At my school site, I can
implement a similar program by reaching to administrators and counseling staff;
adding a career class as an elective or creating a career club can help
students get a valuable career experience. This program will help students make
informed decisions on what career they want to pursue after graduating high school.
Creating an interest in math and science will play a vital role in our community;
students can explore these fields and become interested in learning more about
them. This will reflect on their college education and their career choice in
the future.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
21st Century Skills: Creativity in my Geometry class!
Creativity is an essential component that has to be included
in daily lessons. I believe students are creative by nature and it is the
teacher’s obligation to make sure that they don’t grow out of originality and
imagination. To encourage creativity in my classroom I always provide my
students with options; it can be options on assignments or options on tool
use…. etc. Problems are posed in a way that allows various types of solutions;
students choose the tools to use and also a way to solve the problem. I encourage
different answers and urge students to collaborate in groups to share their
ideas to reach solutions. In addition, I often solve problems incorrectly and
show students the answer; this urges the students to use their judgment and
think critically to suggest changes to be made to my answer. In that way they
show their creative approaches to reach correct answers and become the experts
on the topic. Collaboration and classroom discussions are components that are
found in my classroom on daily basis. I am the mediator and the guide however
the students are the ones discussing, sharing, and reinventing mathematics to
teach one another.
Integration is my approach to support literacy in and beyond
mathematics. I always provide graphic organizers where students can add new
vocabulary words; next we use this work in a descriptive paragraph that
students write at the end of each lesson. In that paragraph students write what
they know about the problem, how they approached it, what conclusions they
found, how they are planning to continue explore it. Furthermore, students are
asked to draw a visual representation of their understanding of the topic. In
this teaching approach I am integrating Mathematics, English, and Art in daily
lessons to offer maximum opportunities for creativity and innovation. In various lessons I encourage students to
further research the history of the concept using media tools such as
computers, smart phones, and iPads when available. As an example on this
strategy, students were asked to work with country flag components and
illustrate their understanding of multiple geometric topics on the flag design.
I instructed students to gather data on the history of the flag and the changes
that happened to it overtime. Students worked in groups to gather data,
demonstrate their understanding of geometry, and write a brief summary on the
flag’s history. Students are further encouraged to present their work and share
with their peers various interesting facts. In this lesson, History, English, Mathematics,
and Art were integrated to allow and promote creativity.
Group activities and team work is crucial for students’ life
long learning and success. Nonetheless, I acknowledge the importance of
independent practice and it’s effect on students who prefer self-learning. To
ensure all students have the opportunity to show independent work, I plan time
for independent practice in all of my lesson plans. Students have the
opportunity to read problems independently and start approaching it at the beginning
of each class and also have time at the end of class to complete assignment
after collaboration. In my opinion, this gives the students the opportunity to
understand the prompt and think of ideas, additionally at the end of class they
can incorporate different ideas or choose to continue working on their own idea
after exploring different perspectives. Students turn in independent work for
assessment; this gives me a deep understanding of their content comprehension
to inform my instruction in following lessons.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sociocultural Aspects of Schooling for ELLs
An aspect that always comes to mind when thinking of ELLs is their sense of belonging due to their limited ability to communicate in the most commonly used language at their school. Language is the essence of culture, being able to share cultural elements with others through teaching a language is motivating for all students. As a plan to address that I will work on creating Language Clubs at the school, all students can join these clubs even if they don't know the language. Contests can be organized at the school to encourage students' participation. Students can research a certain language and make presentations about it's origin, different dialects, and it's cultural aspect. I believe this will put ELLs in a position where they are the source of information or the expert rather than feeling different, it will help build their confidence and help them develop a sense of belonging as they feel valued.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Lesson Planning & Teenage Brain
Learning about how the brain works and how it controls our actions is fascinating. Adolescents go through a lot of brain development during school years, as teachers we have to plan our lessons to help shape their teenage brain. Creating enriching environments that foster critical thinking is very important, in addition a teacher should teach to multiple intelligence to reach every student. Repetition is a key factor to help the brain grow, "When
a neuron receives a message repeatedly, the connection is strengthened". To help release good brain chemicals a teacher can motivate the students through various ways such as humor, kindness, giving students choices, and positive interaction with peers helps boost these good chemicals. To help students retain information, as a teacher I try to access their active working memory and their long term memory. Developing strategies to access these lanes of the brain is very important; a teacher can accomplish that through designing graphic organizers, encouraging peer collaboration, summarizing, repeating, and most importantly trying to make emotional connections with concepts. Emotional memory is "The
most powerful memory. If it takes over, you lose logic". Playing music in the class is a teaching strategy that helps access emotional memory; moreover teacher enthusiasm and knowledge of students
and their interests are very important.In my lesson plan I try to incorporate this knowledge and implement teaching strategies that support my students' growth and development. Engaging students in conversations and meaningful debates about concepts is a goal of mine when designing a Math lesson. Making connections with our surroundings through Mathematics is essential to access my students' brains and motivate them to learn. Repeating concepts, summarizing, using gestures, and creating a positive atmosphere through humor and kindness are my key factors when designing a lesson.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
I believe all students are capable of learning and effective
teachers can reach to any student. As a teacher I am working on improving my
teaching strategies and management approaches regularly to create a harmonious
classroom environment. My educational philosophies that most represent me are Essentialism and Reconstructionism. These philosophies will reflect on my classroom
management strategies. I identified with various discipline approaches of
classroom management; cooperative discipline, inner discipline, synergetic
discipline, and positive classroom. I believe through implementing these
approaches in my classroom misbehaviors will diminish and students will enjoy
class and further cooperate to reach success.
Preventive Approach
Preventive management approaches set students up for
success, as they are implemented to avoid misbehaviors and encourage better
behaviors. My preventive strategies come from the cooperative and inner discipline
Catch them being good (Albert, 1989-1996).
Giving students complements and showing appreciation when they are doing
something good is a great way to set them up for achievement. As a teacher I
keep an open eye for good behaviors, I commend them for doing a good thing and
show that I noticed their action. I believe through implementing these
strategies, students will show more good behaviors and therefore I am leaving
less room for misbehaviors.
Teach them to ask for attention (e.g.
"Notice Me, Please" cards) (Albert, 1989-1996). This strategy is very
helpful as it steers students to ask for help without being a distraction or an
interruption. Using “notice me cards” or “help flags” students will be able to
get the attention they need without disrupting the flow of the lesson.
Develop rules to guide the class (Coloroso, 1994).
Developing basic rules that guide the students towards meeting expectations and
making better decisions is essential. Students can also share their input and
develop class rules themselves to create the classroom environment they want
and expect.
Hold class discussions on the rules, their implications,
and their consequences (Coloroso, 1994). I believe this goes hand in hand with
“Class meetings to address class activities and behaviors” (Kohn 1996) .Regular
classroom meetings and discussions are crucial to maintain an ongoing flow of
the lessons. Coming up with new rules or adjusting previous rules to fit
current needs is very important. Reminding students of class rules and asking
them on which rules they think works or doesn’t work is a very good approach. I
believe this reflects my Reconstructive educational
Include students in decision-making &
problem solving (Kohn, 1996). This reflects my previous point as to students
developing their classroom rules as well as the teacher. Coming up with rules
that fit everyone is vital for preventing misbehaviors and promoting ownership
of the learning process.
Creating spaces in the classroom where our
students can feel comfortable (Jackson, 2010). Appreciating students’ different
strength and skills and respecting their background and culture is very
important, doing that will help students develop a sense of belonging to the
class. Creating a classroom community where all students feel valued is a great
approach to prevent any behavioral issues.
Supportive management approaches are very important
to maintain a positive classroom environment. I have come to understand that
supporting good behaviors through showing my appreciation and commending
students for their actions is key.
Classrooms with a sense of
community are more likely to develop caring and responsible students (Kohn
1996). Through regular classroom meetings students can develop a sense of
community where they feel responsible for their own learning. I will work on
implementing this strategy by having classroom meetings weekly to discuss with
students current problems and promote good behaviors.
Establish classroom discipline upon
a basis of dignity and hope (Mendler, 1983). Giving students hope that they can
succeed even if they are experiencing struggles is very important. Supporting
them and directing them towards facing these problems is very important,
realizing that ignoring their struggles will lead to misbehaviors, and pushing
them towards the right path while respecting them and acknowledging their
effort is essential.
Class meetings to address class activities and
behaviors (Kohn 1996). Maintaining regular class meetings is very important. I
plan on being consistent with these meeting to support and promote good
Give students opportunity to solve their
problems. Ask them how they plan to do so (Coloroso, 1994). Allowing students
to make their own decisions through evaluating their problems is very
important. I can be the guide that direct them towards a good decision by
asking them questions, yet is they come up with the decision themselves that
would be best. Respecting them and giving them the time and opportunity to
solve their problems will help them beyond academics.
Teacher must immediately begin to emphasize a
developing sense of family in the class (Charles, 2000). Developing a sense of
family allows students to get a sense of belonging to the class. I can do so by
having conversations with them regularly, getting to know them beyond
academics, and gaining their trust.
Corrective Approach
When misbehavior occurs, a
teacher is responsible for correcting it while maintaining good energy in the
classroom. Corrective strategies that I identified with strongly demonstrate
cooperative discipline and synergetic discipline. I believe the following
approaches reflect my Essentialist
philosophy as I do emphasize classroom rules and consequences, yet they also
reflect my belief of Reconstructionism
because I strongly identify in joint decisions between teacher and students.
If a rule is broken, the teacher
should concentrate immediately on the behavior and consequences (Coloroso, 1994).
This also reflects reasonable consequences when teacher and student jointly
agree on a set of reasonable logical consequences (Coloroso, 1994). Being
consistent is the major component when correcting a behavior. Reminding
students of the consequences and allowing them to correct the behavior is an
essential step when misbehavior occurs. When students further misbehave, I
follow the consequences and class rules that we all agree on.
Give written notice (Albert,
1989-1996). Written notices are very important because it doesn’t
suddenly put the student on the spot. It allows the student to notice his/her
misbehavior and correct it accordingly. It is a great strategy and I will
certainly implement it in my classroom.
When misbehavior does occur
teachers identify and deal with the cause, keeping an attitude of gentle
helpfulness (Charles, 2000). Keeping a calm tone when correcting a student is
vital, it is a focus of mine that I don’t disrupt the trust I have with that
student. Explaining to the student that I am helping them is very important for
student cooperation.
Do the unexpected (Albert, 1989-1996).
When misbehavior is a general theme where the entire class is being off task,
turning off the light or playing a musical sound is a good approach to get
their attention again.
Target-Stop-Do (Albert, 1989-1996).
This strategy is good when a student is consistently being disruptive. I call
the student’s name and ask him to stop the current behavior and focus on the
task given. This is in my opinion a good but risky approach because over using
it will cause it to lose its power.
I believe that a cooperative
approach allows students to develop a sense of belonging to the classroom and
have ownership of their learning process. Including students in decision making
reflects my Reconstructionist
educational philosophy. Giving the students the opportunity to share their
thoughts and ideas is essential for the harmonious classroom environment that I
am striving for. Listening is a big element of my teaching strategy;
appreciating students’ input and respecting their decisions is my focus as a
teacher. I believe the discipline strategies I listed will steer me towards
achieving my educational goals.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Accurate (i + 1) Assessment for English learners
Maggie is an ELL level 2 (Early Intermediate). The assessment is i+1 "Intermediate level"
Intermediate ELD Level, Comprehension
and Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication
Participate in social conversations with peers and
adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and
soliciting information.
Writing: 1ES: Recognize elements of characterization in a piece
of writing and apply the same techniques when writing.
(Cognitive/ Affective/ Language)
Diagnostic/ Entry Level
During the first 5 minutes of the class, students will be
asked questions about the topic to assess their level of understanding and
their previous knowledge.
B. Formative/
Progress Monitoring
Teacher will monitor students’ discussions and encourage all
students to participate and share their ideas.
Students will write the definitions on the graphic
organizer, illustrate their understanding with drawings, and turn it in at the
end of class.
Assessment Rubric for ELD
Definition of term
ELD Standard:
Uses basic vocabulary to describe the term
Uses some formal vocabulary words introduced in class
Writes correct definition with few spelling or grammatical errors.
Writes correct definitions with no spelling or grammatical
Visual representation
Draws a visual representation of few terms without labeling
Draws visual representation of all terms labeling some
Draws visual representation of all terms labeling all with few
Draws visual representation of all terms labeling all coreectly.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
SDAIE Strategy
SDAIE strategies are very important in everyday lessons. My Cooperative Teacher uses graphic organizers for each new topic he teaches. He gives students graphic organizers at the beginning of the lesson so that when he introduces a new word they can write it down for reference. He explains the new term and gives a definition, students write the definition down in their own words to help them remember what the word means. My CT models for them by writing a definition on a similar graphic organizer and displays it using a projector. There is also a column in the graphic organizer where they draw a visual representation of the term. If possible, he also tries to break the word down to meaningful parts and explains what each part means. For example "EQUILATERAL Triangles" he breaks it down to "EQUI" which means equal since these type of triangles have equal sides and "LATERAL" which means side. Students copy the term using correct spelling, write a definition and draw a visual representation. I believe this strategy helps students remember what the term means and learn how to correctly spell it.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I created this survey using Google forms. This quick and easy assessment helped me get to know students' literacy habits, strengths, and struggles. It helped me modify my teaching strategies to be able to reach all of them. I was happy to see that most of the students were okay with giving an oral presentation to the class even if they answered that they're not very good with English. Students are willing to learn and progress if given the opportunity. Encouraging them to participate in discussions and collaborate with each other will certainly improve their literacy. I believe that these students when challenged they can reach their full potential.

Sunday, August 26, 2012
My Name
Noha is my name. It was chosen by my mom's friend. My mom told me that she had picked a name for me before I was born, "Lobna" was the name she picked. She wanted to name me after a popular Egyptian actor, however my dad didn't like the name "because it has no meaning he said". Therefore, I had no name when I was born, till later that day when my mom's friend came and suggested "Noha". My mom loved the name and my dad was convinced after he found out that the Arabic word Noha means "the mind".
My name is always misunderstood and mispronounced as Noah. Although Noah is a masculine name and Noha is only used as feminine, they are pronounced differently, and written differenlty, people still confuse them.
A couple of years ago I applied for a job online and was called for an interview. When I arrived at the company for the interview, I sat next to a lady, also waiting to be called in for an interview. Across the room there was a gentleman sitting also waiting to be called in. The interviewer walked to the room looking at the gentleman and said "Noah?", the gentleman said "No". Then I had to shout "Yes, this is me". Althouh it wasn't me, my name is Noha not Noah!
But still..If I could choose any name it would defininelty be Noha!! Because it's me. I love the meaning behnd it. I just hope people can say it right. :)
My name is always misunderstood and mispronounced as Noah. Although Noah is a masculine name and Noha is only used as feminine, they are pronounced differently, and written differenlty, people still confuse them.
A couple of years ago I applied for a job online and was called for an interview. When I arrived at the company for the interview, I sat next to a lady, also waiting to be called in for an interview. Across the room there was a gentleman sitting also waiting to be called in. The interviewer walked to the room looking at the gentleman and said "Noah?", the gentleman said "No". Then I had to shout "Yes, this is me". Althouh it wasn't me, my name is Noha not Noah!
But still..If I could choose any name it would defininelty be Noha!! Because it's me. I love the meaning behnd it. I just hope people can say it right. :)
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